Amber Owen. Sports Therapist and Medical Acupuncturist


Amber Owen is a qualified Sports Therapist with a speciality in medical acupuncture. Originally from Wales, Amber moved to Scotland to pursue her career as a professional swimmer and to complete her undergraduate degree at the University of Edinburgh in Applied Sport and Exercise Science. She is now excited to put her health and fitness knowledge and experience to use at  One Allan Park . “I love being a manual therapist, it is an incredibly rewarding career and I enjoy helping people in any way I can”.

Upon first visit to see Amber, a consultation will take place. This will consist of gathering a full case history, a physical examination and treatment. Therapies include deep tissue massage, medical acupuncture, electro-medical acupuncture, various trigger point release techniques, spinal manipulation, deep stretches, exercise tutorials and prescription. A unique and tailored treatment plan will be discussed and designed to provide the best possible care for each patient.


You can read more about Ambers’ Life as an Elite Sportswoman in the Blog that she has written by Clicking Here

Conditions Amber treats:

  • Headaches/migraines
  • Neck pain
  • Shoulder pain/frozen shoulder
  • Tennis/golf elbow
  • Carpel tunnel syndrome
  • Joint pain
  • Lower back pain
  • Sciatica
  • Knee pain/rehabilitation
  • Arthritic pain
  • Ankle pain/rehabilitation
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Muscle soreness

Medical Acupuncture

Medical acupuncture (also known as dry needling) is a well-established, evidence-based technique to treat musculoskeletal conditions. Needles are inserted into taught bands of muscle to help reduce hypertension and relieve symptoms. This treatment is extremely effective with sometimes immediate effects. Stimulation of the muscle takes place either manually or with an electrical impulse, depending on the location and symptoms. 

Spinal Manipulation

Spinal manipulation increases the quality and range of motion of the spinal joints. This osteopathic technique reduces pain and muscle hypertension as well as activating anti-inflammatory mediators. After Amber researched the technique’s effects for her university dissertation, she believes it’s a nice way to finish her treatment. 

Exercise Prescription 

Increasing muscle mass and strength is an important part of health and the management of musculoskeletal conditions. As part of treatment, exercise tutorials take place as well as putting together tailored training programmes with specific goals. Whether you’ve never lifted a weight before or go to the gym six times a week, Amber will guide you to reach your goals.

To book a session with Amber Click here  to take you direct to our booking page :