What is Counselling?
Counselling offers a confidential, safe and supportive relationship with a qualified professional to help you explore and manage personal issues. The counsellor has specific training in counselling theory and skills, as well as clinical experience of face-to-face counselling. Counsellors usually conduct short and medium-term work.
Who delivers counselling service in Stirling, Scotland?
Margherita Sacca delivers counselling. Read more about her here.
Reasons to seek counselling
- anxiety issues
- anger management
- life transition
- chronic stress
- self-esteem issues
- behavioural issues
- compulsions and addictions
- relationship problems
- grief, bereavement and loss
- mental health problems
Margherita Sacca has a clinic in One Allan Park every Wednesday ( All day, evening appointments too) . You can arrange an appointment by emailing us in confidence to:
Psychodynamic Counselling :
Psychodynamic therapy focuses on the psychological roots of emotional suffering. Its hallmarks are self-reflection and self-examination, and the use of the relationship between therapist and patient as a window into problematic relationship patterns in our lives. Its goal is not only to alleviate the most obvious symptoms but to help people lead healthier lives.
Psychodynamic therapy helps you understand how your current feelings and behaviour are shaped by your past experiences and your unconscious mind and impulses. This approach and talking together can help you understand what you’re feeling now, why you behave in a certain way and how this affects your current relationships.’