Deep Tissue Massage

What is Deep Tissue Massage?

Deep tissue massage is a technique that focuses primarily on the deeper layers of muscles and fascia using firmer pressure and can also refer to gentle, slow yet sustained pressure to release tension and pain. This massage involves working and acting on the body with specific techniques using hands, fingers, elbows, knees or forearm.

Who delivers the therapy?

Lesley McAuley and Andrea Lagunas. Read more about them here.

What are the benefits of the therapy?

  • Helps stimulate blood flow and relieve muscle tension, while at the same time lowering psychological stress, and releasing “happy hormones” like serotonin and oxytocin.
  • Treats chronic back pain, by combining lengthening and cross-fibre strokes, with positive effects if performed regularly, (2014 Study published in the Scientific World Journal).
  • Helps lower high blood pressure. Deep tissue has positive effects on systolic and diastolic arterial pressure readings in adults with pain and high blood pressure. (Study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine).
  • Reduces stress, anxiety and muscle tension, by lowering cortisol level (stress hormone), while boosting oxytocin (happy hormone), which relaxes the body with soothing effects.
  • Reduces inflammation and muscle spasms, following injury and after stressful times. Inflammation reduces blood flow to the muscles, cutting off oxygen and vital nutrients, increasing a build-up of toxins around damaged tissue with greater swelling and pain. Deep tissue massage will stimulate blood flow, loosening muscles, allowing greater oxygen flow and reducing the body’s nervous system autonomic response.
  • Reduces arthritis symptoms more effectively compared to lighter massages. Also, relieves stiffness, anxiety and reduced range of motion. (by the Arthritis Foundation).
  • Unlike remedial massage which targets specific injury sites and uses a variety of techniques to normalise an area, deep tissue can be good for more stress/tension-related back, neck, head, legs aches/pains and body adhesions (knots).


Therapist Andrea also offers Kinetic Chain Release (KCR) and Massage combo treatment to incorporate both in a single session and reap all the benefits of both therapies. Both Andrea and Lesley also offer Myofascial Release Therapy and may include elements of it into your session if appropriate and agreed.